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Knapsack Power Sprayer

Knapsack Power Sprayer

CropMaster brand Knapsack Power Sprayer is a new generation high pressure sprayer.  It is suitable for low crops like cotton, vegetables, tea and coffee plantations, orchards etc. It has a 20/25 Lts Chemical tank and a separate Petrol tank which is mounted on a mild steel or strong plastic frame. The heart of the sprayer is a horizontal brass pump which develops more than 400 psi pressure.

Standard Accessories: Brass / Stainless Steel spray lance, Nozzles, 1.5 mts long PVC delivery hose, trigger shut off device, spare gasket
Optional Accessories: Stainless Steel Jet Gun.


Light weight yet powerful and requires only one operator to carry the spraying operations and is ideal for hilly terrain. It rests comfortably on the operator’s back having two shoulder straps with cushions. It’s high pressure pump is capable of developing 30-35 kg/sq cm pressure and discharges more than 8 lts spray liquid per minute.


Model: CropMaster
Working Pressure  400 psi
Capacity 20 lts , 25 lts,
Gross Weight   10 Kgs
20’ Container Load  550 nos
Box Size for 12 Lts tank 44L X 35W X65 H cm

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